The Game Changer

George Sweeting, a former president and chancellor of Moody Bible Institute, in a sermon entitled “Attitude Makes the Difference,” related this story: “A Scotsman was an extremely hard worker and expected all the men under him to be the same. His men would tease him, ‘Scotty, don’t you know that Rome wasn’t built in aContinue reading “The Game Changer”

The Whole World’s Watching

Those words, “the whole world’s watching,” were chanted by demonstrators on the streets of Chicago in the summer of 1968, as policemen used force to restrain rioters from disrupting the Democratic National Convention. TV cameras were on the scene, and those history-making moments flashed onto screens all over the globe so that, indeed, the wholeContinue reading “The Whole World’s Watching”

The Doctrine of the Strenuous Life

Theodore Roosevelt was quoted as saying, “I wish to preach not the doctrine of ignoble ease, but the doctrine of the strenuous life, the life of toil and effort, of labor and strife, to preach the highest form of success which comes, not to the man who desires mere easy peace, but to the manContinue reading “The Doctrine of the Strenuous Life”

Try, Try Again

In 1953, a small, struggling chemical company set themselves to producing a rust-prevention solvent and degreaser for use in the aerospace industry. It took 39 unsuccessful tries before they succeeded. That’s why that can in your garage, or on some shelf in your utility room, is called WD-40 (i.e., water displacement, 40th attempt). I usedContinue reading “Try, Try Again”

How Would Jesus Evaluate Your Giving?

Jesus is pictured sitting near the Temple treasury observing how people were giving to God. (Mark 12:41-44)  While many who were “rich” cast great sums into the depository, a widow who lived in poverty cast in just two mites, called a “farthing.” This was the least valuable of any Roman coin, said to be worthContinue reading “How Would Jesus Evaluate Your Giving?”

Comfort for the New Year

As we face a new year in this relatively new millennium, there is much cause for consternation. Economic inflation; brutal warfare instigated against Israel by the Palestinian terrorist group, Hamas; Russia’s continued assault on Ukraine; world health crises, as we are still reeling from the world-wide pandemic—these are just a few concerns that keep prognosticatorsContinue reading “Comfort for the New Year”