Comfort for the New Year

As we face a new year in this relatively new millennium, there is much cause for consternation. Economic inflation; brutal warfare instigated against Israel by the Palestinian terrorist group, Hamas; Russia’s continued assault on Ukraine; world health crises, as we are still reeling from the world-wide pandemic—these are just a few concerns that keep prognosticators busy adjusting their forecasts for the future.

Most of us were here to witness the second millennium A.D. give way to the third, and we are still living somewhat in the twilight zone between the two. Only those who are deceived can look to the future without wondering how long God will allow humans to continue in their arrogant atheism before He will once again intersect the unfolding story of history with a dramatic intervention onto the stage of world events.

Regardless of what this coming year holds for each of us, we can face the future hopefully, expectantly, and enthusiastically. God has given us some treasured truths about what He has planned for what we call “the end times.” The next major happening on that timeline of future events is called the rapture—a biblical teaching but not a biblical term, though used by Biblicists to refer to the “catching up” by Christ of His Church to meet Him in the air.

Here is a brief outline of the importance of this eschatological heavenly intrusion into human history, as recorded in I Thessalonians 4:13-18:

(1) Clarification: those who are “asleep” (I Thess.4:13) are those who have died since the inception of the church on the Day of Pentecost, having embraced Christ as Savior by faith, called “the dead in Christ” (v.16). God will bring the spirits/souls of these back with Him at the time of the rapture, their bodies being recomposed (“raised”) from their dead status and reunited with their souls/spirits, while believers who are at that time living on earth will be caught up, after the dead have been raised up, to meet the Lord in the air.
(2) Certification: the fact of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from dead (v.14) certifies that those who have died in faith will come back with Christ when He returns to catch up His Church.
(3) Authorization: Paul set forth these future facts “by the Word of the Lord.” (v.15)
(4) Organization: The dead in Christ will be raised first; then, believers who are alive at that time will be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air. (vss. 16,17)
(5) Annunciation: This cataclysmic end-time event will be announced by a shout (the voice of the archangel), and with the trumpet of God heard worldwide. (v.16)
(6) Finalization. Paul, on the authority of God’s Word, declares “so shall we ever be with the Lord.” (v.17) For the Church, we will be gathered together complete in Christ, to ever live in His presence. No more sorrow, separation, suffering; just eternal life with our Lord!
(7) Application. “Wherefore comfort one another with these words.” (v.18)

“But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.” (I Thess. 4:13)

Ellen joins me in the prayerful wish that the coming year will be a truly happy (blessed) one for you and your loved ones!


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